Aviva Community Fund winners – Sandbach Hockey Club

Congratulations to our local sports’ club – Sandbach Hockey
Mat White Financial Services, together with the hockey club, submitted and were successful with their submission to the Aviva Community Fund competition. Winning and securing a grant of £1000 will allow the club to invest in much needed resources.
“Sandbach Hockey Club is proud to support both young and old, and is excellent at bringing together all elements of society, with older members helping the younger, and visa versa. With members returning to hockey we give them the chance to make a real difference to their confidence and ability. We are very much a family club and some families have members in the men’s’, ladies and junior sections. The members in each of the club sections support the other sections, with the men coaching the ladies, the younger members of the men’s team coaching the juniors and the ladies help out on the committee and administration for the juniors too. Fundraising events are family orientated and inclusive to all. Winning the Aviva competition for the club will enable us to provide essential equipment to the juniors in particular as they are the men’s and ladies first team players of the future, and who knows we may even develop some GB players in the process”