Crewe Vagrants’ Hockey Club has a new main sponsor

Crewe Vagrants is a well-established hockey club which is run entirely by volunteers. They pride themselves on being an inclusive club and are always pushing to improve and aspire players, irrelevant of age, level and abilities; One sport for all. They currently have four men’s and four ladies’ teams who play weekly hockey in a league. In addition, there is a thriving junior section with youngsters welcomed at the tender age of five with progression, at the aged of thirteen, into the senior section. Several of their juniors are the children of players, which is great to see and makes them a truly ‘hockey family’.
The community and supporting charities feature highly on the hockey club’s agenda. The section hosts many fundraising events such as the annual ‘Hockey Fest’ and more recently a 40 mile sponsored walk in aid of Blood Cancer. Pre Covid 19, Mat White Financial Services supported the hockey club with a bid through the Aviva Community Fund and successfully obtained £1000. This allowed for a purchase of much needed pitch dividers.
‘Myself and my team are delighted to be working in partnership with Crewe Vagrants and becoming their main sponsor. Look out for our banner on the fence adjacent the main car park and our leaflets in the clubhouse’ – Matthew, Director
We support Blood Cancer every month with a small donation. Find out how you can too – Donate to help beat blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK
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